Lab 3: Data Visualisation II



Learning Materials

Please prepare the following materials

Learning Objectives

A student who has met the objectives of the session will be able to:

  • Use more advanced ggplot features
  • Customise the data visualisation
  • Combine multiple plots into one pane
  • Look at a more advanced ggplot and decipher the components used


Read the steps of this exercises carefully, while completing them


Some authors are kind enough to supply the data they used for their paper, e.g.:

Where the supporting data can be found here:

Getting Started

Again, go to the R for Bio Data Science RStudio Cloud Server session from last time and login and choose the project you created

  • Create a new Quarto Document for todays exercises, e.g. lab03_exercises.qmd
  • NB! The Quarto document MUST be placed together with your .Rproj file (defining, the project root - look in your Files-tab) and also there, the data-folder should be placed!
  • REMEMBER paths are important! Also, R is case-sensitive, i.e. “data” is not the same as “Data”

See Paths and Projects

Getting the data

Add a new code chunk and add the following code (Never mind the details, we will get back to this), remember you can use headers to nicely section your quarto Document.

base_url <- ""

SPE <- read_csv(file = str_c(base_url, "SPE_pitlatrine.csv"))
write_csv(x = SPE,
          file = "data/SPE_pitlatrine.csv")

ENV <- read_csv(file = str_c(base_url, "ENV_pitlatrine.csv"))
write_csv(x = ENV,
          file = "data/ENV_pitlatrine.csv")

Add the chunk settings #| echo: true and #| eval: true, then run the block and change the latter to #| eval: false.

  • Discuss in your group, what this means and why we do it

Click here for hint

From where do we retrieve the data and to where do we write it and what happens if we run the chunk more than one time?

Wrangling the data

  • What is data wrangling?

Before we continue with plotting, we want to unify the data, so here again you will run some code, where the details are not important right now.

But… Make sure, that you have run library("tidyverse") somewhere in your Quarto document - Perhaps under an initial header saying “Load Libraries” or similar?

SPE |> 
  pivot_longer(cols = -Taxa,
               names_to = "Samples",
               values_to = "OTU_Count")  |> 
  full_join(ENV, by = "Samples") |> 
  mutate(site = case_when(str_detect(Samples, "^T") ~ "Tanzania",
                          str_detect(Samples, "^V") ~ "Vietnam")) |>  
  write_tsv(file = "data/SPE_ENV.tsv")

Change the chunk settings as before

Data Visualisation II

Read the data

SPE_ENV <- read_tsv(file = "data/SPE_ENV.tsv")
# A tibble: 4,212 × 15
   Taxa   Samples OTU_Count    pH  Temp    TS    VS   VFA  CODt  CODs perCODsbyt
   <chr>  <chr>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>      <dbl>
 1 Acido… T_2_1           0  7.82  25.1  14.5 71.3   71     874   311         36
 2 Acido… T_2_10          0  9.08  24.2  37.8 31.5    2     102     9          9
 3 Acido… T_2_12          0  8.84  25.1  71.1  5.94   1      35     4         10
 4 Acido… T_2_2           0  6.49  29.6  13.9 64.9    3.7   389   180         46
 5 Acido… T_2_3           0  6.46  27.9  29.4 26.8   27.5   161    35         22
 6 Acido… T_2_6           0  7.69  28.7  65.5  7.03   1.5    57     3          6
 7 Acido… T_2_7           0  7.48  29.8  36.0 34.1    1.1   107     9          8
 8 Acido… T_2_9           0  7.6   25    46.9 19.6    1.1    62     8         13
 9 Acido… T_3_2           0  7.55  28.8  12.6 51.8   30.9   384    57         15
10 Acido… T_3_3           0  7.68  28.9  14.6 48.1   24.2   372    57         15
# ℹ 4,202 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: NH4 <dbl>, Prot <dbl>, Carbo <dbl>, site <chr>


For these exercises, you will have to identify what you see in the plot!

For each plot, complete the following steps

  1. Look at this overview of the components of a ggplot (see below)
  2. Look at the plot you are to recreate and discuss in the group:
    1. What is the data? Take a look at it and understand what is in the data
    2. What are the mappings? I.e. what variables are on the x-/y-axis?
    3. Are there any colour-/fill-mappings?
    4. What are the geoms used?
    5. Are there any modifications to theme?

Click here for hint


Task 1 - Recreate the following plot

Discuss in your group, which ggplot elements can you identify?

Task 2 - Recreate the following plot

Discuss in your group, which ggplot elements can you identify?

Task 3 - Recreate the following plot

Discuss in your group, which ggplot elements can you identify?

Task 4 - Recreate the following plot

Discuss in your group, which ggplot elements can you identify?

Task 5 - Recreate the following plots

Discuss in your group, which ggplot elements can you identify?

Click here for hint

Same data, but a transformation happened, changing the representation of the data. Look carefully at the axes.

Task 6 - Recreate the following plot

Discuss in your group, which ggplot elements can you identify?

Click here for hint

See if you can find something online on geom_smooth()

Task 7 - Recreate the following plot

Discuss in your group, which ggplot elements can you identify?

Click here for hint

Think about fill and then see if you can find something online on geom_tile(), scale_fill_gradient2 and how to ggplot rotate axis labels

Task 8 - Recreate the following plot

Start by running this code in a new chunk (ignore details for now)

targets <- c("Methanobacteria", "Clostridia", "Actinobacteria",
            "Sphingobacteria", "Anaerolineae")
SPE_ENV_targets <- SPE_ENV |>
  filter(Taxa %in% targets)

and then use the created dataset SPE_ENV_targets to recreate this plot:

Discuss in your group, which ggplot elements can you identify?

Click here for hint

Here we need to use geom_density_ridges(), but which package contains this? Also we are using a colour scale called viridis, but how do we add this? Also, perhaps there are more themes we can use than just theme_classic()?


For this assignment you and your group are to apply what you have learned in the two data visualisation labs. The task is to create a really nice plot using one of two datasets, the cancer_data or the SPE_ENV

Try to play around with some custom colouring. There is a nice tool to aid in choosing colours for visualisations here

Be sure to read the assignment instructions before submitting your solution.