Variable Assignment in R

In R we operate with variables. A variable can be seen as a container for a value. To get a better conceptual understanding of this, you can go through the following and code-along in your own R-session.

Assigning a Value to a Variable

  • In R, we state values directly in the chunk or the console, e.g.:
[1] 3
  • Here, we just state 3, so R simply “throws” that right back at you!

  • Now, if want to “catch” that 3 we have to assign it to a variable, e.g.:

x <- 3
  • Notice how now we “catch” the 3 and nothing is “thrown” back to you, because we now have the 3 stored in x:
[1] 3

Updating the Value of a Variable

  • Now, we can of course use x moving forward, e.g. by adding 2:
x + 2
[1] 5
  • Notice how this does not change x and the result is simply “thrown” right-back-at-ya
[1] 3
  • If we wanted to update x by adding 2, we would have to “catch” the result as before:
x <- x + 2
  • Now, we have updated x:
[1] 5

Use one Variable in the Creation of Another

  • Analogue, we can create a new variable using x:
y <- x + 3
  • Again, this does not change x
[1] 5
  • But rather the result is now stored in y
[1] 8


  • In R, we use the assignment operator <- to perform assignment
  • Variables are not change in place, but needs to be stored
  • Note, this also applies to running e.g. a dplyr-pipeline, where we do not change the dataset by running the pipeline, but we must store the result of the pipeline

Before continuing, make sure that you are on track with the above concepts!

  • Create a new variable my_age containing… You guessed it!
  • Add 0.5 to the variable (I.e. your age, when you’re done with this course)
  • Check the value of my_age, did you remember to assign, thereby updating?

Pipeline Example

  • Let us create some example sequence data:
tibble(sequence = c("aggtgtgag", "tggaatgaaccgcctacc",
                    "aagaatgga", "tct", "tgtatt", "tgg",
                    "accttcaacgagtcccactgt", "cgt",
                    "gaggctgagctggttgta", "ggggaacag"))
# A tibble: 10 × 1
 1 aggtgtgag            
 2 tggaatgaaccgcctacc   
 3 aagaatgga            
 4 tct                  
 5 tgtatt               
 6 tgg                  
 7 accttcaacgagtcccactgt
 8 cgt                  
 9 gaggctgagctggttgta   
10 ggggaacag            
  • Notice, that our data creation is just “thrown” back at us, we forgot something!
my_dna_data <- tibble(sequence = c("aggtgtgag", "tggaatgaaccgcctacc",
                                   "aagaatgga", "tct", "tgtatt", "tgg",
                                   "accttcaacgagtcccactgt", "cgt",
                                   "gaggctgagctggttgta", "ggggaacag"))
  • Now, we have stored the data in the variable my_dna_data
# A tibble: 10 × 1
 1 aggtgtgag            
 2 tggaatgaaccgcctacc   
 3 aagaatgga            
 4 tct                  
 5 tgtatt               
 6 tgg                  
 7 accttcaacgagtcccactgt
 8 cgt                  
 9 gaggctgagctggttgta   
10 ggggaacag            
  • Note here, that a variable can as we saw before with x and y store a single value, e.g. 2, but here, we are storing a tibble-object in the variable my_dna_data and in that tibble-object, we have a variable sequence, which contains some randomly generated dna.

  • But what if we wanted to add a new variable to the tibble-object, which is the lenght of each of the dna-sequences?

my_dna_data |>
  mutate(dna_length = str_length(sequence))
# A tibble: 10 × 2
   sequence              dna_length
   <chr>                      <int>
 1 aggtgtgag                      9
 2 tggaatgaaccgcctacc            18
 3 aagaatgga                      9
 4 tct                            3
 5 tgtatt                         6
 6 tgg                            3
 7 accttcaacgagtcccactgt         21
 8 cgt                            3
 9 gaggctgagctggttgta            18
10 ggggaacag                      9

Nice! Let’s see that data again then:

# A tibble: 10 × 1
 1 aggtgtgag            
 2 tggaatgaaccgcctacc   
 3 aagaatgga            
 4 tct                  
 5 tgtatt               
 6 tgg                  
 7 accttcaacgagtcccactgt
 8 cgt                  
 9 gaggctgagctggttgta   
10 ggggaacag            
  • Wait! What? Where is the variable we literally just created?

  • We forgot something… We did not update the my_dna_data, let’s fix that:

my_dna_data <- my_dna_data |>
  mutate(dna_length = str_length(sequence))
  • Note, nothing is “trown” back at us! Let’s verify, that we did indeed update the my_dna_data:
# A tibble: 10 × 2
   sequence              dna_length
   <chr>                      <int>
 1 aggtgtgag                      9
 2 tggaatgaaccgcctacc            18
 3 aagaatgga                      9
 4 tct                            3
 5 tgtatt                         6
 6 tgg                            3
 7 accttcaacgagtcccactgt         21
 8 cgt                            3
 9 gaggctgagctggttgta            18
10 ggggaacag                      9

Did it make sense? Check yourself, add a new variable to my_dna_data called sequence_capital by using the function str_to_upper()

That’s it - Hope it helped and remember… Bio data science in R is really fun!