
Note: These references primarily consist of papers that describe the datasets utilised in the course. Thus, these papers are not required reading for the course.

Gravier, Eléonore, Gaëlle Pierron, Anne Vincent‐Salomon, Nadège Gruel, Virginie Raynal, Alexia Savignoni, Yann De Rycke, et al. 2010. “A Prognostic DNA Signature for T1t2 Node‐negative Breast Cancer Patients.” Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer 49 (12): 1125–34.
Jackson, AS, PR Stanforth, J Gagnon, T Rankinen, AS Leon, DC Rao, JS Skinner, C Bouchard, and JH Wilmore. 2002. “The Effect of Sex, Age and Race on Estimating Percentage Body Fat from Body Mass Index: The Heritage Family Study.” International Journal of Obesity 26 (6): 789–96.
McCarthy, Mary K., and Jason B. Weinberg. 2015. “The Immunoproteasome and Viral Infection: A Complex Regulator of Inflammation.” Frontiers in Microbiology 6 (January).
Noble, William S. 2009. “How Does Multiple Testing Correction Work?” Nature Biotechnology 27 (12): 1135–37.
Nolan, Sean, Marissa Vignali, Mark Klinger, Jennifer N. Dines, Ian M. Kaplan, Emily Svejnoha, Tracy Craft, et al. 2020. “A Large-Scale Database of t-Cell Receptor Beta (TCRβ) Sequences and Binding Associations from Natural and Synthetic Exposure to SARS-CoV-2.” August.
Schorling, John B., Julienne Roach, Marjorie Siegel, Natalie Baturka, Dawn E. Hunt, Thomas M. Guterbock, and Herbert L. Stewart. 1997. “A Trial of Church-Based Smoking Cessation Interventions for Rural African Americans.” Preventive Medicine 26 (1): 92–101.
Torondel, Belen, Jeroen H. J. Ensink, Ozan Gundogdu, Umer Zeeshan Ijaz, Julian Parkhill, Faraji Abdelahi, Viet-Anh Nguyen, et al. 2016. “Assessment of the Influence of Intrinsic Environmental and Geographical Factors on the Bacterial Ecology of Pit Latrines.” Microbial Biotechnology 9 (2): 209–23.
Willems, James P., J Terry Sanders, Dawn E. Hunt, and John B. Schorling. 1997. “Prevalence of Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors Among Rural Blacks: A Community-Based Study.” Southern Medical Journal 90 (8): 814–20.