Lab 6: Applying Functional Programming with Purrr to Models



Learning Materials

Please prepare the following materials:

Learning Objectives

A student who has met the objectives of the session will be able to:

  • Fit a simple linear model and interpret model parameters
  • Understand and apply simple purrr-functions for element-wise function application
  • Understand and apply grouped supervised models to form nested model objects
  • Understand and apply the broom-functions for tidying various model objects
  • Optional LO: Perform a basic principal component analysis for dimension reduction of high dimensional data
  • Optional LO: Perform a basic unsupervised k-means clustering of high dimensional data



Using the tibble() function, re-create the data from this visualisation and then create your version of how this data could be visualised in a more informative manner:

Also… If you still need to be convinced of the flexibility of ggplot, try running this code:

xy <- seq(from = -3,
          to = 3, 
          by = 0.01)
expand.grid(x = xy,
            y = xy) |>
    mapping = aes(
      x = (1 - x - sin(y^2)),
      y = (1 + y - cos(x^2)))) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.05,
             shape = 20,
             size = 0) +
  theme_void() +

If you are curious about what is going on here, try googling “Generative art”… Anyhoo… Let us move on…


So far, we have worked on

Getting Started

  1. Once again, please go to the course cloud RStudio server and login
  2. Create a new Quarto document and remember to save it

Today, we will re-examine the data acquired in Lab 2 to further explore the research question:

  • What genes are significantly up-/down-regulated between the patients with- and without early metastasis?“

Load Data

Recall, so far we have adjusted the chunk setting to #| eval: true first time we get some data from an online repository and then subsequently set #| eval: false.

Let’s do that in a bit nicer way.

  • T1: Create a new “Load Data” header in your document and add the below chunk:
raw_dir <- "data/_raw/"
data_file <- "gravier.RData"
data_loc <- ""

if( !dir.exists(raw_dir) ){
  dir.create(path = raw_dir)
if( !file.exists(str_c(raw_dir, data_file)) ){
    url = str_c(data_loc, data_file),
    destfile = str_c(raw_dir, data_file))
load(file = str_c(raw_dir, data_file))
  • Q1: In your group, discuss, what is going on here? Make sure you follow the difference between the first time you run this and the second!

Click here for hint

We have used the str_c()-function before, try running e.g.:

x <- "a"
y <- "b"
str_c(x, y)

For the functions dir.exists() and file.exists(), the hint is in the title, they return logicals. To get a better understanding of this, try running e.g.:

x <- 2
x == 2
if( x == 2 ){

Then change x == 2 to x != 2, re-run the code and see what happens

Clean Data

The next step is to clean up the data:

  1. Use the ls()-function to see what objects you have in your environment
  2. Use the str()-function on the gravier data you retrieved to answer:
  • Q2: Discuss in your group if this is tidy data?

  • T2: Create a new “Clean Data” header in your document and add the below chunk:

gravier_clean <- gravier |>
  bind_cols() |>
  • Q3: Discuss in your group if this is tidy data?

  • Q4: In fact, specifically state what are the “rules” for tidy data?

  • Q5: In your group, discuss why bind_cols can by very very dangerous to use?

Now, moving on, let’s write the clean data to disk:

  • T3: In your “Clean Data”-section, add a new chunk, where you write a tab-separated-values gzipped (i.e. compressed) file called “02_gravier_clean” (with the correct filetype specification) into your “data”-folder

Click here for hint

Just as you can read a file, you can of course also write a file. Note the filetype we want to write here is tab-separated-values. If you in the console type e.g. readr::wr and then hit the tab-button, you will see the different functions for writing different filetypes. We previously did a trick to automatically gzip (compress) files?

Augment Data

  • T4: Create a new “Augment Data” header in your document and add the below chunk:
gravier_clean_aug <- gravier_clean |>
  mutate(y = case_when(y == "poor" ~ 1,
                       y == "good" ~ 0)) |> 
  relocate(early_metastasis = y)
  • Q6: In your group, discuss, what each step of the above work flow does, i.e. what are the specifics of the dplyr-pipeline?

  • T5: In your “Augment Data”-section, add a new chunk, where you write a tab-separated-values gzipped (i.e. compressed) file called “03_gravier_clean_aug” (with the correct filetype specification) into your “data”-folder


One Gene, one model

  • T6: Create a new “Analysis” header in your document

Recall, in the second lab, we were looking at “our favourite gene”. In the following either look back to what was your favourite gene or choose a new 🤷️

Let’s fit our first model! If the concept of models and linear regression is unfamiliar, consider checking out the primer on linear models in R before proceeding.

  • T7: Use the lm-function to create your first model and save it to a new variable e.g. “my_first_model”

Click here for hint

Use the formula my_favourite_gene ~ early_metastasis and remember when you pipe into the lm-function, you have to specify data = _
  • Q7: What are your coefficients? Mine are:
     (Intercept) early_metastasis 
     -0.01616011      -0.03426164 
  • T8: Use the group_by() \(\rightarrow\) summarise()-workflow to calculate the mean values of the gene expression for your favourite gene stratified on early_metastasis

  • Q8: What are your mean values? Mine are:

# A tibble: 2 × 2
  early_metastasis      mu
             <dbl>   <dbl>
1                0 -0.0162
2                1 -0.0504
  • Q9: Discuss in your group: How are your coefficients related to your mean expression values?

Click here for hint

Recall, we have two terms here, intercept and slope. The intercept is the y-value at x = 0 and the slope is the change in y-value, for one unit change in x
  • Q10: Discuss in your group: Is your gene up- or down-regulated from early_metastasis = 0 to early_metastasis = 1 and use the summary()-function to see if is it statistically significant at a level of significance of \(\alpha = 0.05\)?

Click here for hint

Try to run my_first_model |> summary() and look at the estimate for early_metastasis, i.e. the slope and also see if you can find the p-value somewhere in this summary…

Excellent! Now we have a feeling for working with the lm()-functions and a basic understanding of the meaning of the coefficients, when we are using linear regression to model a binary outcome. The reason that we use a linear regression model in this case is, that for these exercises, we want to investigate the relationship between variables rather than obtaining probability predictions, i.e.

  • What genes are significantly up-/down-regulated between the patients with- and without early metastasis?

So, without further ado, let’s dive in!

All the Genes, all the models

First, the recent couple of years have seen an immense development in unifying the modelling interface in R, which is notoriously inconsistent. You may be familiar with the caret-package, the developer of which has created tidymodels, (which I really wish we had time to explore in details). In the following we will work with some of the principles for tidying model object using broom, having object nested in tibbles and working with these using purrr.

Now, you saw above how we could fit one model for one gene. So, we could repeat the procedure you worked through for each gene, but first consider:

  • Q11: How many genes are there in the gravier data set?

Now, we just have to make one model for each gene!

Honestly, let’s not! Also, recall: “We don’t loop, we func!”, so let’s see how that would work.

Models, models everywhere…

In principle, you could overflow your environment with individual model objects, but that would require a lot of code-lines and a lot of hard-coding. But let us instead see if we can come up with something just a tad more clever.

Preparing the Data


  • Q12: Discuss in your group, if the gravier_clean_aug is a “wide” or a “long” dataset?

Once you have agreed upon and understood why, this is a wide data set, proceed and:

  • T9: Create this long version of your gravier_clean_aug data and save it in gravier_clean_aug_long
# A tibble: 488,040 × 3
   early_metastasis gene   log2_expr_level
              <dbl> <chr>            <dbl>
 1                0 g2E09         -0.00144
 2                0 g7F07         -0.00144
 3                0 g1A01         -0.0831 
 4                0 g3C09         -0.0475 
 5                0 g3H08          0.0158 
 6                0 g1A08         -0.0336 
 7                0 g1B01         -0.136  
 8                0 g1int1         0.0180 
 9                0 g1E11          0.0257 
10                0 g8G02          0.00720
# ℹ 488,030 more rows

Click here for hint

Recall which function took a dataset from “wide”- to “long”-format and also the three parameters of interest for that function is cols, names_to and values_to. If you look at my example, you will see that the columns we have pivotted have types <chr> and <dbl>, these will map to the names_to- and values_to-parameters respectively. The cols can be used with the so-called “helper-functions”, that we have previously talked about. If you look at the gene-columns in the data, all the genes starts with a “g”, so we can use the helper functions starts_with() and then give the argument “g” to the match-parameter

The reason we want the “long” version of the data set is, that now we have ALL the genes defined in ONE gene-column. This means that we can use the group_by()-function to work per gene without looping (Recall: Don’t loop, only func!).


  • T10: Create a dplyr-pipeline, use the group_by()-function to group your gravier_clean_aug_long-dataset by gene and then add the nest()- and ungroup()-functions to your pipeline
# A tibble: 2,905 × 2
   gene   data              
   <chr>  <list>            
 1 g2E09  <tibble [168 × 2]>
 2 g7F07  <tibble [168 × 2]>
 3 g1A01  <tibble [168 × 2]>
 4 g3C09  <tibble [168 × 2]>
 5 g3H08  <tibble [168 × 2]>
 6 g1A08  <tibble [168 × 2]>
 7 g1B01  <tibble [168 × 2]>
 8 g1int1 <tibble [168 × 2]>
 9 g1E11  <tibble [168 × 2]>
10 g8G02  <tibble [168 × 2]>
# ℹ 2,895 more rows

Note, this is conceptually a super-tricky data structure!

  • Q13: Discuss in your group, what happened to the data?

Click here for hint

Try to run each of the following code chunks and examine what happens at each step:

gravier_clean_aug_long_nested |>
  filter(gene == "g2E09") # Replace "g2E09" with whatever was YOUR favourite gene!
gravier_clean_aug_long_nested |>
  filter(gene == "g2E09") |> # Replace "g2E09" with whatever was YOUR favourite gene!
  • Q14: Moreover, discuss in your group, what does <tibble [168 × 2]> mean?

Now, if you experiencing, that the server seems slow, consider if you want to proceed now with ALL the genes or just a subset. If you just want a subset, then use sample_n() to randomly select e.g. 100 genes for further analysis. Remember you may want to use the set.seed() function to create a reproducible work flow even when sampling.

Fitting Models

Now, recall our research question:

  • What genes are significantly up-/down-regulated between the patients with- and without early metastasis?

To investigate this, we want to fit a linear model to each gene, i.e. as you did initially for your favourite gene, we want to do in a clever way per gene for ALL genes.

  • T11: Use the group_by()-function to let R know, that we want to work per gene
# A tibble: 2,905 × 2
# Groups:   gene [2,905]
   gene   data              
   <chr>  <list>            
 1 g2E09  <tibble [168 × 2]>
 2 g7F07  <tibble [168 × 2]>
 3 g1A01  <tibble [168 × 2]>
 4 g3C09  <tibble [168 × 2]>
 5 g3H08  <tibble [168 × 2]>
 6 g1A08  <tibble [168 × 2]>
 7 g1B01  <tibble [168 × 2]>
 8 g1int1 <tibble [168 × 2]>
 9 g1E11  <tibble [168 × 2]>
10 g8G02  <tibble [168 × 2]>
# ℹ 2,895 more rows
  • T12: Then add a new line to your pipeline, where you add a new variable model_object to your gravier_clean_aug_long_nested-dataset, which R will compute per gene

To do this you will need the following syntax and then wrap that inside the relevant tidyverse-function for creating a new variable:

model_object = map(.x = data,
                   .f = ~lm(formula = log2_expr_level ~ early_metastasis,
                            data = .x))

Make sure to understand the map()-function here, it is completely central to functional programming with purrr:

  • We need the group_by() to define which variable holds the elements to each of which we want to map
  • model_object is a new variable, we are creating, which will contain the result of our call to the map()-function
  • .x to what exising (nested) variable are we mapping?
  • .f which function do we want to map to each element in the existing (nested) variable?
  • Note that log2_expr_level and early_metastasis are variables “inside” the nested data-variable

Note, once again, this is conceptually a super-tricky data structure, not only do we have a per gene nested tibble, but now we also have a per gene nested model object - So please do make sure to discuss in your group, what is going on here, e.g. try running this and discuss what you see:

gravier_clean_aug_long_nested |>
  filter(gene == "g2E09") |> # Replace "g2E09" with whatever was YOUR favourite gene!

Tidying Models

Excellent! Now we have a per gene model. Let us use the broom-package to extract some information from each of the models. First, to get a better understanding of what is going on when calling the tidy()-function, try running this:

gravier_clean_aug_long_nested |>
  # Here, you should replace "g2E09" with whatever was YOUR favourite gene!
  filter(gene == "g2E09") |> 
  # Pull() on tibbles: This pulls out the model_object variable.
  #   Note! This is a list, because we nested!
  pull(model_object) |> 
  # Pluck() on lists: From the list we got from the last step,
  #   we "pluck" the first element
  pluck(1) |>
  # The result of pluck, is a model object,
  #   upon which we can call the tidy function
  tidy( = TRUE,
       conf.level = 0.95)

Now, we want to apply this tidy()-function per model_object:

  • T13: Scroll a bit back to where we created the model_object and see if you can translate that into mapping the tidy()-function to the model_object-variable, thereby creating a new variable model_object_tidy - This is tricky, so do make sure to discuss in your group how this can be done!

Click here for hint

Remember the parameters to the tidy()-functions, which gives us the confidence intervals and defines corresponding level. Also, everything you need is in the previous layout of the map()-function. Note, that the calls to the pull()- and pluck()-functions above, pertains to extracting from a tibble, which we do not want, on the contrary, we want all objects to be contained in our gravier_clean_aug_long_nested data
# A tibble: 2,905 × 4
# Groups:   gene [2,905]
   gene   data               model_object model_object_tidy
   <chr>  <list>             <list>       <list>           
 1 g2E09  <tibble [168 × 2]> <lm>         <tibble [2 × 7]> 
 2 g7F07  <tibble [168 × 2]> <lm>         <tibble [2 × 7]> 
 3 g1A01  <tibble [168 × 2]> <lm>         <tibble [2 × 7]> 
 4 g3C09  <tibble [168 × 2]> <lm>         <tibble [2 × 7]> 
 5 g3H08  <tibble [168 × 2]> <lm>         <tibble [2 × 7]> 
 6 g1A08  <tibble [168 × 2]> <lm>         <tibble [2 × 7]> 
 7 g1B01  <tibble [168 × 2]> <lm>         <tibble [2 × 7]> 
 8 g1int1 <tibble [168 × 2]> <lm>         <tibble [2 × 7]> 
 9 g1E11  <tibble [168 × 2]> <lm>         <tibble [2 × 7]> 
10 g8G02  <tibble [168 × 2]> <lm>         <tibble [2 × 7]> 
# ℹ 2,895 more rows

Note, once again, this is conceptually a super-tricky data structure, not only do we have a per gene nested tibble, but now we also have a per gene nested model object and now also a nested tibble of tidyed objects - So please again do make sure to discuss in your group, what is going on here, e.g. try running this and discuss what you see:

gravier_clean_aug_long_nested |>
  filter(gene == "g2E09") |> # Replace "g2E09" with whatever was YOUR favourite gene!


We’re almost there - Just a bit of wrangling to go!

Just as you saw that we could nest() on a variable (recall we did that for the gene-variable), you can do the opposite and lo and behold, that is the unnest()-function. Before we continue:

  • T14: Create a dplyr-pipeline and save the result in a new variable called gravier_estimates: Use the unnest()-function to unpack the model_object_tidy
# A tibble: 5,810 × 10
# Groups:   gene [2,905]
   gene  data     model_object term         estimate std.error statistic p.value
   <chr> <list>   <list>       <chr>           <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 g2E09 <tibble> <lm>         (Intercept)  -0.0162     0.0117    -1.38  1.69e-1
 2 g2E09 <tibble> <lm>         early_metas… -0.0343     0.0201    -1.71  8.99e-2
 3 g7F07 <tibble> <lm>         (Intercept)   0.0604     0.0139     4.35  2.36e-5
 4 g7F07 <tibble> <lm>         early_metas… -0.0185     0.0238    -0.778 4.38e-1
 5 g1A01 <tibble> <lm>         (Intercept)  -0.0290     0.0123    -2.35  1.99e-2
 6 g1A01 <tibble> <lm>         early_metas… -0.0367     0.0211    -1.73  8.47e-2
 7 g3C09 <tibble> <lm>         (Intercept)   0.0518     0.0145     3.58  4.55e-4
 8 g3C09 <tibble> <lm>         early_metas… -0.0148     0.0249    -0.595 5.53e-1
 9 g3H08 <tibble> <lm>         (Intercept)   0.0142     0.0128     1.11  2.69e-1
10 g3H08 <tibble> <lm>         early_metas…  0.00247    0.0220     0.112 9.11e-1
# ℹ 5,800 more rows
# ℹ 2 more variables: conf.low <dbl>, conf.high <dbl>
  • T15: The again, create a dplyr-pipeline and save the result in a the same gravier_estimates-variable: Subset the rows to only get the slope term and then choose variables as displayed below, finally end with un-grouping your data, as we no longer need the groups
# A tibble: 2,905 × 5
   gene   p.value estimate conf.low conf.high
   <chr>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 g2E09   0.0899 -0.0343   -0.0739   0.00539
 2 g7F07   0.438  -0.0185   -0.0655   0.0285 
 3 g1A01   0.0847 -0.0367   -0.0784   0.00508
 4 g3C09   0.553  -0.0148   -0.0639   0.0343 
 5 g3H08   0.911   0.00247  -0.0410   0.0459 
 6 g1A08   0.859  -0.00363  -0.0438   0.0366 
 7 g1B01   0.279  -0.0218   -0.0615   0.0178 
 8 g1int1  0.666  -0.0113   -0.0627   0.0402 
 9 g1E11   0.106  -0.0329   -0.0728   0.00703
10 g8G02   0.633  -0.0108   -0.0555   0.0338 
# ℹ 2,895 more rows
  • T16: To your gravier_estimates-dataset, add a variable q.value, which is the result of calling the p.adjust()-function on your p.value-variable and also add an indicator variable denoting if a given gene is significant or not
# A tibble: 2,905 × 7
   gene   p.value estimate conf.low conf.high q.value is_significant
   <chr>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>         
 1 g2E09   0.0899 -0.0343   -0.0739   0.00539       1 no            
 2 g7F07   0.438  -0.0185   -0.0655   0.0285        1 no            
 3 g1A01   0.0847 -0.0367   -0.0784   0.00508       1 no            
 4 g3C09   0.553  -0.0148   -0.0639   0.0343        1 no            
 5 g3H08   0.911   0.00247  -0.0410   0.0459        1 no            
 6 g1A08   0.859  -0.00363  -0.0438   0.0366        1 no            
 7 g1B01   0.279  -0.0218   -0.0615   0.0178        1 no            
 8 g1int1  0.666  -0.0113   -0.0627   0.0402        1 no            
 9 g1E11   0.106  -0.0329   -0.0728   0.00703       1 no            
10 g8G02   0.633  -0.0108   -0.0555   0.0338        1 no            
# ℹ 2,895 more rows

But… q.value??? What are you on about??? Here is a nice primer on “How does multiple testing correction work?”


If you understandbly by now, have lost a bit of overview of what is going on, let’s just re-iterate.

  1. We have the gravier-dataset, with the log2-expression levels for 2,905 genes of 168 patients of whom 111 did not have early metastasis and 57 who did
  2. We are interested in investigating what genes are significantly up-/down-regulated between the patients with- and without early metastasis
  3. First we retrieved the data from the data repository, cleaned and augmented it and saved it to disk
  4. Then pivotted the data, so we could work per gene (The gene-variable)
  5. Next, we grouped per gene and nested the data (The data-variable)
  6. Then, we fitted a linear model to each gene (The model_object-variable)
  7. Next, we used the broom-package to tidy the fitted model incl. getting confidence intervals (The model_object_tidy-variable)
  8. Lastly, we extracted the model parameters, corrected for multiple testing and added and indicator for significant findings

Now, we actually have everything we need to answer:

  • What genes are significantly up-/down-regulated between the patients with- and without early metastasis?“

In the following, we will use a level of significance of \(\alpha = 0.05\) to provide this answer.


Right, let’s get to it!

  • T17: Re-create this forest-plot to finally reveal the results of your analysis GROUP ASSIGNMENT part I

Click here for hint

Here, you will have to use your indicator variable to identify significant genes before plotting and then it would probably be prudent to take a look at the fct_reorder()-function and geom_errorbarh()-representation
  • T18: Re-create this volcano-plot to finally reveal the results of your analysis GROUP ASSIGNMENT part II

Click here for hint

Here,before plotting you will have to create a new label-variable which takes value gene for significant genes and otherwise is simply an empty string, which we denote by "". Also, perhaps the ggrepel-package would be relevant for somehow adding text/labels


For the group assignment this time, you will use T17 and T18 to again create a reproducible micro-report and make sure to:


The following is only if you can find the time! But, perhaps this would be something interesting to revisit during the project period

